Individual therapy is provided via a secure telehealth platform and/or through in-person sessions. Therapy sessions have a duration of 45-60 minutes in length and are weekly. The clinician and patient decide together on therapy goals (the focus of therapy) and work collaboratively to achieve the set goals. Sessions are reduced to bi-weekly, then monthly, until the patient is no longer in need of therapeutic care.
Specialty therapies offered include:
Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) for trauma/PTSD:
15 session manualized and Evidence-Based Therapy proven effective for reducing the effects of trauma symptoms​
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I):
6 session manualized therapy, based on cognitive and behavioral approaches, to address insomnia. This is an Evidence-Based Therapy proven effective for resetting the sleep-wake cycle and for improving sleep quality.​
The first therapy session includes gathering your history and getting to know your needs. This is called a psychiatric diagnostic evaluation, and is a requirement before therapy starts.
Cost: $280
Therapy sessions:
Additional letter/paperwork fee: $200/hour prorated
(For example: DSS paperwork, letter of reference for FMLA, letter to employers, etc.)